STEAM #1: Danger(ously)!Awesome

PN2K and MIT Amphibious Achievement jointly held the first Amphibious Achievement company tour on April 5th, 2014. Achievers had the chance to visit the dangerously awesome Danger!Awesome, where they learned about lasers and how art and engineering can come together to make very cool things, like wooden star-shaped keychains engraved with our names! Throw in some potential new summer internship opportunities, food and games in the sun, and what more could a person ask for on a Saturday afternoon? Thank you Danger!Awesome for hosting us. Thank you MIT Amphibious Achievement for your hard-working Achievers — what a great group of students! PN2K looks forward to working with all of you more. We hope you were inspired to learn and explore.

See our full photo album for Danger!Awesome STEAM Field Trip #1

What is this PN2K initiative?

From Spring 2014-2015, PN2K started “STEAM” (science, tech, engineering, arts, maths), experiential-based learning field trips for high school students, organized in collaboration with an MIT student group called Amphibious Achievement. Learn more.