Bike Safety Charm School

MIT PN2K focuses on fostering road safety education for cyclists and drivers. Bike Safety Charm School provides all-season bike safety tips & etiquette for road users. We combine road etiquette, rules, and knowledge of one's rights with a basic understanding of cycling's impact on one's health and surrounding environment to influence road behavior.

Bike Safety Charm School is mainly targeted towards cyclists and drivers.

The purpose is to help folks get a grasp of bike safety rules and road etiquette (for both bicyclists and drivers), including:

  • How to bike safely on the roads
  • How to signal properly on a bike
  • Popular routes to take/avoid while cycling
  • How to spot "bike friendly" road infrastructure
  • Obeying road rules (stop lights, signal crossings)
  • How drivers can look for cyclists to avoid "dooring" cyclists
  • How cyclists can avoid being "doored" by a driver
  • How to deal with large trucks on the road
  • Common dangers of biking and how to avoid them (e.g., right hook)
  • Impact of cycling on one's physical and mental health
  • Impact of cycling on the environment

If you are interested in leading MIT PN2K Bike Safety Charm School, please email