Costumes + Pad Thai

In preparation for the Boston Halloween Bike Ride next Saturday, our crew thought we'd hit up some shops around town for costumes. An unsuspecting cyclist, Xin, joined us. He's a new-comer to this area and had some interesting comments while cycling. For instance:

While riding up the BU bridge on the bike lane: "Oh, this is the bike lane. It's very small." (I didn't get the feeling he believed it was safe. But we survived.)

While riding along Commonwealth Ave's bike lane along the parked cars and teaching him to bike nearer to the traffic (a bit away from the deathly door zone): "Yes, I was wondering how to avoid the cars opening their doors"

We also went over a few basic things, like crossing subway tracks at a perpendicular fashion and slowing down as a means to increase safety.

Our group ended up all around town, from charity shops to REI and larger department stores. We tried on some wacky costumes, and in the end, decided that we could probably be more creative making some of our own. The best part of the thing might have been the Pad Thai at the end (Rod Dee) and curry. Never miss a chance at team-building!