Gone Wild with BBP


What is BBP, one might ask. BBP stands for the best group of bicyclists in town- Boston Bike Party, and this Friday, MIT PN2K organized a convoy to cycle out from MIT and meet up with BBP. We were greeted by unfamiliar-familiar faces; seriously, you try recognizing your friends when they're decked out in wild animal costumes and face paint. You see, Peter Cheung, who organizes these proceedings each month with a host of friendly volunteers, for about, oh, nothing more than 300-800 cyclists (it was about 600 this time)-- they come up with a theme each month and BBP meets each theme with great fanfare. "Gone Wild" (animal-jungle style) was the victor this month. I saw a red flying squirrel (or maybe it was a raccoon), tails on the rear ends of cyclists, a hunter in camouflage riddled in darts, Safari explorers, and so much leopard print; it made me question the spontaneity of my own wardrobe. What did I wear? Because the destination point was the beach, I donned on a rainbow colored leopard print bathing suit, then threw on my November Project neon green shorts and my PN2K jersey on top of that. Perfect. I would have passed for normal if I hadn't found balloons in a drawer and decided I could also be Mickey Mouse if I attached two spheres to the top of my helmet. Then I threw on some shades, just for anonymity purposes. The hour or so riding around Boston before BBP in this get-up was definitely an experience. I was visible, that's for sure. 

Shortly thereafter I met with Yaoming, Dingfang, Becky, Oscar, and Will. Safety in numbers! We decided to take up one full lane as we biked down Mass Ave to Copley Square.


The rest of the night was pretty awesome. I'm purposefully not describing it all in detail here because it's something you don't read about- it's something you experience. There's something rewarding, fulfilling, empowering, and a whole new level of safe when you cycle as a community.

Between the bear cages, chasing two feet diameter bubbles, green power spray, freezing-cold beach water, spontaneous singing, shadow bike dances, and quality time spent with cool people, it was a pretty grand way to spend a Friday evening.

Till meet time! Thank you BBP for organizing!!

Photo credits to Yaoming Duan. You can find the rest of his album here: https://goo.gl/j5APkF